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Track Overview


The Overland Track leads through some very diverse wilderness environments. Each day is different from the last. Most people walk the track in 5-6 days, but you can walk it quicker or allow more time to really soak up all that is on offer.

Most people walk south, and during fee-based booking season this is a must walk north to south. Starting near Cradle Mountain and walking to Lake St Clair. There are campsites, huts and toilets every 10-15 kilometres. You'll find water tanks at each hut and plenty of creeks from which you can collect water (and treat it before drinking).

As well as getting a sense of each section of the walk, you will want to put together an itinerary. Here are some suggestions.

When to walk the Overland Track
When is the best time to visit
Choose the itinerary that will best suit you
Overview of each section of the track
Check the track section by section
Campsites, Huts and Shelters
Campsites, huts and shelters on Overland Track