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Breakfast polenta

Breakfast polenta






Any fruit and nuts can work. Milk powder can be substituted for the coconut milk powder. Brown sugar can be used, however coconut sugar has more of a caramel flavour and is healthier than brown sugar with a high mineral and vitamin content.

  • 1) Chop the mixed peel as fine as you can.
    2) Label the bags and place all ingredients into the allocated bags.
    3) Copy or print out Method at camp and keep together with the bags.

  • 1) In a pot boil 1 cup of water.
    2) Pour the contents of Bag 1 (polenta mix) into the pot with the water and stir through.
    3) Then add the contents of Bag 2 (fruit mix) and cook over the heat for about 1-2 mins until it starts to spit and thicken resembling porridge. Stir constantly. The polenta is now ready to eat, however the cooking time depends on how thick you want the polenta.
    4) If you want the polenta thicker, cook it for 1-2 mins longer. When it reaches the desired consistency, serve and enjoy.

This recipe is from the awesome Xtreme Gourmet book. You will find many more recipes and really helpful information on nutrition for your adventures.