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Buckwheat pancakes

Buckwheat pancakes






This makes about 3 small to medium sized pancakes. Honey can work well with this dish, but Nutella really is suited to this.

  • 1) Break up the banana chips into small chunks.
    2) Label the bag and place all ingredients into the allocated bag and containers.
    3) Copy or print out Method at camp and keep together with the bag.

  • 1( Add the contents of the bag (pancake mix) into a bowl.
    2) Slowly stir in ½ cup of water over the pancake mix in the bowl, stirring constantly to make a thick paste. In a hot pan add about 1 tsp of ghee to cover the base and then pour in about ⅓ cup of the pancake mix.
    3) Swirl the pancake mix to cover the base of the pan and cook until bubbles appear on top (about 2 mins).
    4) Flip the pancake and cook for another 2 mins.
    5) Repeat until the mix is used up.
    6) Spread the Nutella over the pancakes. Enjoy!

This recipe is from the awesome Xtreme Gourmet book. You will find many more recipes and really helpful information on nutrition for your adventures.