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Fried rice

Fried rice






Bag 1

Bag 2

Container - sauce mix

Vegetarian option

  • 1) For the vegetarian option break the tofu up into small chunks.
    2) Label the bags and place all ingredients into the allocated bags and container.
    3) Copy or print out Method at camp and keep together with the bags.

  • 1) Soak the contents of Bag 1 (rice mix) in a pot with 2 cups of water for a minimum of 30 mins.
    2) Then bring the pot to the boil and simmer for 7-8 mins.
    3) Add the contents of Bag 2 (spice mix), stir through and cook for another 1-2 mins till the water has evaporated.
    4) Drizzle the sauce over the rice and serve.

For something really different, try it with dried bamboo. This will add a unique flavour. Dried bamboo is available at any good Asian shop. Just pop it in with Bag 1 (rice mix). Note that any variation will change the nutritional value.

This recipe is from the awesome Xtreme Gourmet book. You will find many more recipes and really helpful information on nutrition for your adventures.