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Camp apple crumble

Camp apple crumble





This is a great dish to have with a cup of tea at the end of the day. You can add some of your scroggin mix if you want some extra bits in the dish, or you can make custard and serve with this too. Note that any variation will change the nutritional value.
Bag 1
Bag 2
  • 1) Chop the mixed peel as fine as you can.
    2) Chop apple pieces up into small chunks.
    3) Label the bags and place all ingredients into the allocated bags and container.
    4) Copy or print out Method at camp and keep together with the bags.

  • 1) In a pot, add the contents of Bag 1 (apple mix) then add ½ cup of water, soak for about 5 mins.
    2) Place the pot on the stove and cook over a low heat for 2-3 mins until all the water has evaporated.
    3) Take off the heat, add the ghee, then add the contents of Bag 2 (oat mix), stir through and place back on the heat.
    4) Cook for 2-3 mins, stirring constantly until the crumble starts to brown and crisp up.
    5) Serve.

This recipe is from the awesome Xtreme Gourmet book. You will find many more recipes and really helpful information on nutrition for your adventures.