Swan View Tunnel and National Park Falls

1 h 45 min to 3 h

45 min to 1 h 30 min

6.4 km

↑ 153 m
↓ -153 m

Moderate track
Starting from the main car park near the John Forrest Tavern off Park Road, Hovea, this walk takes you through John Forrest National Park, the oldest national park in WA. As you walk along Railway Reserve Heritage Trail, you'll learn about the old railway line that is no longer operational, including the Swan View Tunnel and Old Hovea Train Station. There are also the beautiful National Park Falls, which are in their full glory after regular rainfall, especially during the springtime when the bushland is carpeted with a rich tapestry of native wildflowers. For the tunnel, you'll need a torch because it's very dark, and some boots if it has been raining, as the tunnel can become quite wet and muddy. The visitor area contains barbecue, picnic and toilet facilities and cultivated gardens of native plants. Visit the John Forrest Tavern near the visitor area to enjoy a cold beverage and a nice meal after a day of exploring the park. Famous for more than just a place to grab some food and drinks, the tavern is a great place to meet some kangaroos that always hang around in the garden. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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