Rawnsley Bluff and Wilpena Pound Lookout

3 h 15 min to 5 h

8.8 km

↑ 549 m
↓ -549 m

Very challenging
Starting from the Rawnsley Bluff Carpark at the end of the Mawson Trail, near the Rawnsley Park Station, Flinders Ranges, this walk leads to Rawnsley Bluff and the Wilpena Pound Lookout via the Rawnsley Bluff Trail. Flinders Ranges has a beautiful, rugged and unique landscape with vivid red, yellow and green colours. It is a paradise for hikers, and presents a great opportunity to explore the outback of South Australia. From the carpark, the trail follows the creek bed for about 600m before you begin climbing the foothills of the main range. The trail gradually steepens to a climb until reaching the Lone Pine Lookout, from where there are views along the escarpment and towards Elder Range. From here, the worst of the climb is over and the trail becomes less steep as you approach the summit. Along the way you'll pass the Wilpena Pound Lookout, which provides an excellent view down the centre of Wilpena Pound. Further along, at the top of Rawnsley Bluff, there are panoramic views to the south and east overlooking Chace Range. This is a challenging hike, involving a very tough climb early on, and a lot of scrambling up rocks. The trail is generally well formed, and has clear signage. This hike is best suited for reasonably fit and experienced bushwalkers. Sturdy walking shoes are recommended, as the trail is very rough in places. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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This journey requires significant bushwalking experience, specialised equipment and navigation skills.
Please ensure you and your group well prepared and equiped for this journey.

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