Black Mountain from National Botanic Gardens

2 h to 3 h 15 min

6.2 km

↑ 253 m
↓ -253 m

Moderate track
Starting from the car park near Pollen Cafe in Australian National Botanic Gardens, ACT, this circuit walk leads up to Black Mt., exploring the photogenic botanical gardens first. On your way to the top you’ll enter the scenic forest track, pivoting around the summit and providing you with great views over Canberra. After making it up to the summit, the walk loops back to the start. Going through the botanic gardens, you’ll feel like you’re in an amazon rainforest with all the exotic plants and trees. Pivoting around Black Mt., you’ll be able to see almost all of Canberra as the forest track has panoramic views at every angle. You won’t miss the iconic Telstra Tower on top, as it rises 195 meters above the summit. Keep in mind that the botanic gardens close at 5PM, so make sure you get your vehicle out before that. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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