Witches Falls Circuit from Colville Drive

2 h to 3 h

5.6 km

↑ 285 m
↓ -285 m

Moderate track
Starting from the intersection of Witches Chase and Colville Drive, Tamborine Mountain, this circuit walk explores the dense witch-themed track in the lush rainforest, visiting Witches Falls and a picnic area along the way. As you travel along the beautiful family friendly track featuring a seasonal waterfall and lagoon, you’ll be accompanied by the constant birdsong. Be patient and keep an eye out and you’ll be able to see an Albert’s Lyrebird in no time. Along with birdlife, the area is home to koalas and multiple lizard species as well. The waterfall is best viewed after rainfall, but the track gets muddy as well. The experience and environment changes can be easily noticed if you come in different seasons. Finally, don’t forget to bring a snack and enjoy a lovely little picnic in the diverse rainforest. Keep an eye out for snakes. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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