Mount Halifax Track

9 h 30 min, 12 h to 2 days

9.5 km

↑ 1080 m
↓ -1080 m

Very challenging
Starting from Pace Road, Rollingstone, this walk takes you to the summit of Mount Halifax and back via the same-titled track, visiting multiple waterfalls along the way. Expect a challenging track that meanders along a creek as it ascends. Built by some Vietnam War veterans, this track features multiple climbs that are assisted by anchored ropes. Combined with the length and elevation of the hike, a good amount of fitness is recommended. You can camp at any campsite along the way and make this an overnight hike if you'd like to. If you’re not at the summit by midday and not planning on staying the night, head back and retry another day with an earlier start. Remember to take lots of water and insect repellent. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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This journey requires significant bushwalking experience, specialised equipment and navigation skills.
Please ensure you and your group well prepared and equiped for this journey.

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