Castle Rock Granite Skywalk

1 h 30 min to 2 h

4.3 km

↑ 291 m
↓ -291 m

Hard track
Starting from the Castle Rock Carpark on Castle Rock Road, Porongurup, this walk takes you to the Granite Skywalk on the summit of Castle Rock. The Granite Skywalk is a suspended walkway that spirals around giant granite boulders, and is truly a marvel of engineering as it clings to a vertical rock face at the summit of Castle Rock. The 2km hike up from the Castle Rock picnic area passes through Jarrah, Marri and Karri forest and by Balancing Rock to reach the base of Castle Rock and the lower lookout. As you ascend the peak, you're likely to encounter some of the region's 78 species of birds and 700 flowering plants, including many rare and extraordinary orchids and lichen varieties. Reaching the upper lookout requires scrambling over rocks and climbing a 7 metre ladder. The last part of the climb, just before reaching the ladder to the Skywalk, involves a rugged climb through a rocky crevice. A series of grab handles bolted onto the granite adds another layer of fun to the experience. If you can manage the scramble, you'll be rewarded with spectacular views of the surrounding peaks of the Porongurups, the Stirling Range to the north, Mount Manypeaks to the south-east and the undulating farmland towards Albany and Mount Gardner. The hike to the Skywalk is a steep ascent along a rocky path with some obstacles, featuring more rock steps as the gradient becomes steeper. Sturdy walking shoes are recommended, as the trail has a decent amount of loose terrain and can become slippery when wet. The final climb requires some arm and leg strength, and an aptitude for heights. One of the most unique experiences in the South West, the Granite Skywalk is a great finish to a challenging hike. The steep hike through dense forest, the exhilarating climb up to the Granite Skywalk and the unparalleled views from the summit make this a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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