Bellis Road to Hellfire Pass

2 h to 3 h
1 h to 1 h 45 min

7 km

↑ 491 m
↓ -491 m

Hard track
Starting from Belliss Road, Clagiraba, this walk takes you to the Hellfire Pass via a singular fire trail, crossing Clagiraba Creek along the way. With its gradual elevation changes and straightforwardness, this track can be a great choice for trail running. Some people use it to train for big challenges like the Kokoda Challenge, some are just there for the feeling of remoteness. The area is actually used by many animals that migrate between the coast and hinterland throughout the year. You can see some fellow kangaroos just chilling around the track regardless of the season. This can be made into a one-way trip as well, if you arrange transport. Sturdy footwear is recommended as some parts of the track are rocky and slippery. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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