Mount Sturgeon (Wurgarri) Walk

2 h 15 min to 3 h 30 min

6.2 km

↑ 393 m
↓ -393 m

Hard track
Starting from the Mount Sturgeon Walk Carpark on Victoria Valley Road, Dunkeld, this walk leads to Mount Sturgeon and back on a well signposted path through open woodland scattered with Grampians Gum. Kangaroos and wallabies can be spotted in the area, and the delightful flora is home to a variety of birds. In spring, you will see beautiful wildflowers in bloom. Enjoy the ever-present views on the challenging ascent to Mount Sturgeon, and take a break at one of the many lookout points along the way. Several steep sections lead through rocky terrain, and stunted vegetation dominates as the track nears the summit. From the top, you are rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding ranges and volcanic plains over Dunkeld. Suitable for fit and energetic walkers, this hike has many steep slopes and steps, with some slippery track surfaces and loose rocks. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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