Lake Alexandra to Forty Foot Falls

2 h 15 min to 3 h 30 min

6.7 km

↑ 322 m
↓ -322 m

Moderate track
Starting from the Lake Alexandra carpark, at the intersection of Queen Street and Alfred Street, Mittagong, this walk leads to Forty Foot Falls and back via the Forty Foot Falls Walking Track. The walk starts at Lake Alexandra, a quaint little pond with ducks all around. The lake is ideal for families, with a playground, toilet facilities and numerous picnic areas. From the lake, the walk leads to Forty Foot Falls through lush fern forest, mostly following the creek along a dirt track and over small wooden bridges. Behind Forty Foot Falls is a large cavern, allowing you to walk around the back of the falls and stand under them. There is also a lookout above the falls. While there is no clear or defined swimming hole, there are plenty of deep pools to take a dip in and cool off on a hot day. The walk is well signposted, and marked by red tabs or poles with a red tip spray painted on them. The track is mostly flat until the last section where you go down a series of steps, down a ladder built into the rock to reach the falls. The walk also involves creek crossings, overgrown sections, a couple of short steep climbs, and some rocks to scramble over to access the waterfall. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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