Nurrku Circuit Walk

45 min to 1 h 15 min

3.2 km

↑ 21 m
↓ -21 m

Easy track
Starting from the dirt carpark/campground off Devils Marbles Road, Davenport, this walk takes you on a relatively bigger circuit in the Karlu Karlu / Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve via the Nurrku Walk Track. Karlu Karlu is the Aboriginal term for ‘round boulders’, and that is what you’re going to see as you make your way through the reserve. Not just any round boulders though, these granite boulders are placed on top of each other in such a way that you’ll think that is not naturally possible. Especially the huge ones that look like they can roll off any second and the cleanly split-in-half ones. The place is known internationally and is generally busy due to the uniqueness of it. Take your time and read the informative signposts to learn more about the history of the area, why it’s called Devils Marbles and how the rocks were formed. Please be respectful and refrain yourself from climbing the historic boulders as they are spiritually and culturally important to the land’s traditional Aboriginal owners. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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