Garawarra Farm to Garie Beach
Dharawal Country

1 h 30 min, 2 h 15 min to 2 days

4.1 km

↑ 130 m
↓ -335 m

Moderate track
This walk starts at the large Garawarra Farm car park taking the ridge straight down to the coast. Look for the change in vegetation as you descend along the spur to the Coastal Track, before beach hopping your way to Garie Beach. The track is a great way to see some of Sydney's best coast, with plenty of opportunities to cool down, and maybe do a spot of fishing along the way. About half the track is through open grass land, giving panoramic ocean views, with opportunities to wander among some buildings from the depression era. This walk is usually done as a day walk, but if you want to make it an overnight walk you can book and camp at North Era. Let us begin by acknowledging the Dharawal people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. 
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