Serpentine Falls via the Kitty's Gorge Trail

3 h to 5 h

15.3 km

↑ 457 m
↓ -457 m

Moderate track
Starting from the car park opposite the Jarrahdale Cemetery on Atkins Street, Jarrahdale, this walk leads to Serpentine Falls and back via Kitty's Gorge Trail. This stunning return walk in the Jarrah Woodlands takes you along Gooralong Brook. There is a lot of variety in the scenery and terrain, and splendid views from the hills above the gorge reward some steady climbs. At Serpentine Falls, a waterfall cascades over a sheer water-polished granite rock face, forming a pool at its base that is perfect for a lovely dip on a warm day. Near the falls, walkers have access to a family-friendly picnic area with tables, barbeques and toilets. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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