Emu Wren Hike

2 h to 4 h
1 h to 2 h

9.8 km

↑ 188 m
↓ -188 m

Hard track
Starting from the Gate 1 carpark just off Bull Creek Road, Mount Observation, this walk combines the Quarry Hike and Stringybark Hike for a longer loop of Cox Scrub Conservation Park. This hike takes you through a variety of vegetation types, including stringybark forest, open scrub, tall shrublands, and open woodland dominated by river red gum, manna gum and blue gum. Keep a lookout for goannas and southern brown bandicoots. The route is a mixture of fire tracks and walking trails. Some of the fire track, especially on the eastern side of the park, can be quite sandy underfoot. The terrain undulates gently, with a few short hills along the way. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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