Shelley Rossmoyne Foreshore Park

2 h 30 min to 4 h

1 h 15 min to 2 h 15 min
2 h 30 min to 4 h 30 min

13.8 km

↑ 145 m
↓ -145 m

Smooth & flat
Starting from the roadside car park near the Rossmoyne Adventist Retirement Village on Bull Creek Road, Rossmoyne, this walk takes you along the Shelley Rossmoyne Foreshore to Lo Quay River Cafe and back. The Shelley Rossmoyne Foreshore extends from Yagan Wetland Reserve along the eastern bank of Bull Creek and along the southern banks of the Canning River to Shelley Bridge. The foreshore is recognised for its significant environmental value and fragile ecosystems as a sanctuary for birdlife, other fauna, and riparian vegetation. It is also an area highly valued by the local community and is an important place for families and friends to meet, for recreation, and for people to find a sense of peace and connect to nature. The foreshore is culturally and historically significant for the Whadjuk Nyoongar people. They used to meet up in this place, utilising it for many things. Along the foreshore, you will find a wheelchair-friendly paved path with seating, picnic areas, shelters, playgrounds, toilets, barbecues and drinking fountains. Keep an eye out for off-leash/on-leash signs for your four-legged friend. Please stay in control of your companion, so both the wildlife and them can stay safe. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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