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Articles by Lucie Novak

Walking Wisely
October 2016

p.5 Video

p.6 Six Foot Track

p.10 The Six Foot Track Eco Lodge

p.12 Wondabyne Station to Somersby Store

p.22 Melaleuca Log Book

p.28 Photo Gallery

p.46 Choosing a GPS

p.58 Water Requirements on a Bushwalk

p.62 Naturally Accessible

p.65 In the News

p.66 A Walk in the Woods Helps Your Body

p.69 In the News

p.72 Bring Back Mt Jack

p.74 Eating in Style for Celebrations

p.77 Magazines

The Six Foot Track Eco Lodge
New owners brought a fresh wind to the lodge
Lucie Novak Bushwalk Australia New South Wales
The Six Foot Track Eco Lodge October 2016
New owners brought a fresh wind to the lodge
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Lucie Novak
Australia New South Wales