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Articles by Michal Brzozowski

Staying Home
April 2020

p.5 Video

p.6 More than one way to climb Mount Giles

p.12 Look at the Sun and Feelin' Groovy

p.18 Southern Ranges and Du Cane Range

p.24 Photo Gallery

p.42 Bushwalking in a pandemic

p.48 Wilderness disrupted

p.52 1200 kilometres to track lizards

p.55 In the News

p.56 Online food supplies

p.60 You're in pain

Southern Ranges and Du Cane Range
Promise of remote peaks and dense forests
Michal Brzozowski Bushwalk Australia Tasmania Southwest NP
Southern Ranges and Du Cane Range April 2020
Promise of remote peaks and dense forests
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Michal Brzozowski
Australia Tasmania Southwest NP