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Something to Start Your Day

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookSonya Muhlsimmer Bushcraft Australia

Something to Start Your Day

Sonya Muhlsimmer

Walking from Kiandra to Thredbo, 14 days and around 150 kilometres. Now I have eaten breakfast, off to explore. Where are those glacial lakes, I know they are around here somewhere.

Breakfast is the most important meal times, and it should not be skipped. I hear some asking why, or saying that you don’t have time for breakfast. Some may even say that you never eat breakfast. Well, I will tell you why you need to eat breakfast. Overnight when you sleep, you consume energy coming from the body’s stored reserves, known as glycogen. What is that you may ask? Glycogen is stored glucose, the body’s energy source. The energy you store in your body after you eat something. As your body uses the stored glycogen, there is not much left in the body for your day’s adventure. So it needs to be replenished. Eating breakfast breaks the fast the body goes through and restores this energy that you have lost during the night when you sleep. Breakfast increases the metabolic rate, and literally gets you going.

62 | BWA August 2015

A cooked breakfast is great in cooler times; it really warms the body and soul. But what is quick, easy to prepare, tastes good and replaces that glycogen that was lost overnight? There are numerous choices, but here is a simple meal idea for you. Rolled oats are very healthy for you and this breakfast idea has a good nutritional value to kick-start your day. The recipe only takes five minutes to cook, so why wouldn’t you have breakfast when it is this simple and tasty?

At home

Label bags and place all ingredients into the allocated bags. Copy or print out Method at camp and keep together with the bags.

Method at camp

In a pot add the contents of Bag 1 (oat mix) then add cups of water and stir through.

Bring the pot to the boil, add Bag 2 (fruit mix) and then simmer for 3 to 5 minutes until it starts to thicken. Serve and enjoy.

Bag 1 (oat mix)

Quick oats

½ cup

55 grams

Brown sugar

2 Tbsp

34 grams

Milk powder

2 Tbsp

20 grams

Ground cinnamon

few pinches

Bag 2 (fruit mix )

Dried blueberries

1 Tbsp

15 grams

Dried dates

3 each

15 grams

Dried apricot

3 each

15 grams


5 each

5 grams

Water - cups

Trail Oats

BWA August 2015 | 63

Okay so you don’t want to cook, here is another idea so you don’t have to cook anything. This idea is super nutritious and so easy to prepare at home and on the track. It’s guaranteed to excite the five senses (sight, hearing taste, touch and smell). Go on, have a bowl. Oh, by the way between you and me. This is my Dad’s favourite meal, but I have taken his idea and added to it with the freeze dried fruit. It is so good for you, it will really kick-start your day.

At home

Break the freeze dried strawberries in half. Label the bag and place all ingredients into the allocated bag. Copy or print out Method at camp and keep together with the bag.

Method at camp

Place the contents of the bag in a bowl and slowly add the water, stirring through. Enjoy!

Bag 1

Toasted muesli (any sort with high energy value)

½ cup

50 grams

Corn flakes

¼ cup

10 grams

Freeze dried strawberries

4 each

12 grams


1 tsp

4 grams

Milk powder

3 Tbsp

30 grams

Water - 1 cup

Trail Muesli

64 | BWA August 2015