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The Six Foot Track Eco Lodge

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookLucie Novak Bushwalk Australia New South Wales

Six Foot Track Eco LodgeLucie Novakova

Right between the Bowtels Swing Bridge and Coxs River campground, perched on a hillside only metres away from the Six Foot Track is the Six Foot Track Eco Lodge.

The Six Foot Track Eco LodgeLucie Novak

10 | BWA October 2016

It’s one of the few support accommodation facilities in Australia available to walkers. The lodge is conveniently located on a crossroad of many short and long walks, such as the Six Foot Track and the Coxs River return via Dunphys campsite. The lodge enables walkers to complete multiday tracks with just a day pack, not having to carry a full camping gear.

The Lodge was built in 1998 on a 40 acres of bushland including riverfront, which was originally owned by David Lynch, a famous Aboriginal community elder. The Coxs River is based on granite geology. Larges pink granite boulders scattered in and around river have created many water holes with clear water, providing habitat to numerous species of native fish, frogs, lizards, snakes, water rats, platypus and other. The river is also a great place for trout fishing and swimming. The tall open forest and woodland surrounding the lodge provides habitat and refuge for a variety of native species such as kangaroos, wallabies, wallaroos, echidnas, wombats, sugar gliders, large monitors and more than 50 different species of birds. Most of the birds can be

spotted from the lodge deck on a given day including the vulnerable gang-gang cockatoo.

Lucie and Pavel Novak took over the lodge in December 2015 from Willi-Joy Sirks, who did an amazing job re-establishing and running the business. Both Lucie and Pavel have environmental and conservation management backgrounds, and are eager to share their place with other nature lovers. They strive to operate the business in the most environmentally friendly way possible. The lodge is off-grid, running on solar power, collecting rain water for drinking and using a worm composting toilet.

The lodge is a great alternative to camping, from $35 to $40 per person per night, it provides an inexpensive and comfortable accommodation for up to 28 guests. It has two cabins and a semi-outdoor galley kitchen, joined by a large timber deck. The large outdoor campfire is a social place for guests to gather around in the evenings. You can also book catering to complete your experience with authentic meals, such as a big pot of goulash, a continental European-style stew cooked for about six hours over the campfire in a large cast iron pot, which is typically served for dinner.

The lodge is now open seven days per week, offering not only accommodation for the walkers, but also a peaceful place to stop by for a coffee break or a light snack on your walk. You will love the views and sounds of the river and wildlife from the deck, tucked in the midst of old and tall native trees.

For bookings and general enquiries, check out their website on or call 0431 072 862.

At the back they have a loo with a viewEva Gomiscek

The large timber deckEva Gomiscek

Campfire areaEva Gomiscek

BWA October 2016 | 11