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Freeze Dried 101

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookSonya Muhlsimmer Bushcraft Australia

Freeze Dried 101

Sonya Muhlsimmer

We all know about those freeze dried meals at our favourite camping shops, right? So, have you ever wondered how the freeze drying process actually works and why are they so expensive? I'll keep this brief. Freeze drying is a process called sublimation, where a substance transitions from a solid phase (the product is frozen first) to a gas phase, without going through a liquid (water) phase. The process is to freeze the food first, then sublimating the ice to a water vapour then applying heat to remove the water vapour. Freeze dry food is expensive due to pre-treatment before freezing, freezing, primary drying then secondary drying. And it makes the food bomb proof - it lasts for years due to the extremely low water content. But, have you actually looked at the ingredients listed on the back of some of those freeze dried meals, or looked at the nutritional value? Well, sometimes it is best not to ... You are not doing yourself any favours there with the cost and lack of nutrition in some of those meals. Many freeze dried meals have fillers, preservatives and thickeners, which can be identified by the ingredients and numbers. Do you know what all those ingredients are? I do as I work in the food industry and know too much. So better prepare meals at home and enjoy a healthier option.

Exploring the Wollangambe wilderness, Blue Mountains, NSW

60 | BWA April 2017

Curried Mince and Veggies

Shopping for a few freeze dried ingredients and making up your own meal is a good idea. Yes, the ingredients are still expensive but you can ensure you are not eating all those nasty numbers and, um well, just fillers. Some freeze dried meat and vegetables are available in camping shops, or even online, Here is a great one pot wonder dish that is ready in no time just using some freeze dried meat and vegetables, with some herbs and spices you may already have in your pantry at home.

At home preparationPlace all the ingredients in the allocated bag. Print out method at camp and keep with the bags.

Method in campSoak the contents of Bag 1 (Curry mix) in cups of water for 10 minutes. After the soaking time place the pot on the stove. Cook for about 5 to 6 minutes, stirring occasionally until the sauce has thickened.

Bag 1 (curry mix)

Freeze dried mince

½ cup

45 grams

Freeze dried beans

1/3 cup

5 grams

Freeze dried carrots

1/3 cup

5 grams

Freeze dried cauliflower

1/3 cup

5 grams

Coconut milk powder

2 Tbsp

20 grams

Fried shallots

1 Tbsp

6 grams

Curry powder

1 tsp

2 grams

Dried chives

1 tsp

1 gram

Stock powder

½ tsp

3 grams


½ tsp

2 grams

Dried onion

1/8 tsp

1 gram

Dried garlic

1/8 tsp

1 gram

Ground chilli

Few pinches

Salt, pepper

Few pinches

Water1½ cup for preparation

Bag 1 (vegetarian option)Substitute mince with TVP

BWA April 2017 | 61

Nachos (Without the Beans)

This is a versatile dish as it can go with a side dish of corn chips (if you want to carry them in a sturdy container) and a small ration of cheese. You can also (carefully) carry an avocado to make “guacamole” for a topping. For the guacamole, carry a small container of a few tablespoons of sweet chilli sauce, smash up the avocado, add the sweet chilli sauce and mix through, easy hey! Also this mince dish can go with potato mash, cous cous, polenta or rice. Alone it has lots of flavour and is a great dish to make when the weather is getting cooler in the evenings. Also, it's a great dish to share with friends. Psst, get them to carry the corn chips and avocado!

At home preparationPlace all the ingredients in the allocated bag. Keep the tomato paste separately. Print out method at camp and keep with the bags.

Method at campSoak the contents of Bag 1 (Meat mix) in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes. After the soaking time, add the tomato paste, stir through and place on the stove. Cook for about 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally until the water has evaporated and it is a thick meaty mix. Serve with your preference of sides and enjoy.

Bag 1 (meat mix)

Freeze dried mince

¾ cup

60 grams

Ground cumin

½ tsp

2 grams

Ground coriander

½ tsp

2 grams

Beef stock powder

½ tsp

3 grams

Dried onion

1/8 tsp

1 gram

Dried garlic

1/8 tsp

1 gram

Ground chilli

Few pinches

Salt, pepper

Few pinches

Water - 1 cup

Keep separate

Tomato paste

1 sachet

50 grams

Bag 1 (vegetarian option)Substitute mince with TVP

62 | BWA April 2017