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Competition: Australia April 2011

Warners Bay sunset Iandsmith

Photo Gallery

32 | BWA April 2018

BWA Photo Competition

BWA April 2018 | 33


April 2017

The Acropolis at dawnCameron Semple


On top of the world: The Pool of Icarus, Mt Ossa Peter Grant

Takayna white-outNorth-north-west

The hanging gardensTom Brennan

Monday morning miseryGayet

Among the mangrovesJohn Walker

Wangi Wangi Reserve sunsetLorraine Parker

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April 2017

What's up?Brian Eglinton



Nestled inLorraine Parker

The bubble bathTom Brennan

Pelion phew!Peter Grant

The home state of South Australia has some great offerings for walks, particularly in the Flinders Ranges.

One of the lesser known but well featured places in the more accessible southern Flinders is Telowie Gorge.

Amongst the array of rock walls, waterholes and constricted sections we found this colourful fellow sunning himself on the rocks.

He gave us this sort of "not amused" look as we passed him by.

Do we call that a stiff upper lip?

Maiden, mother, croneNorth-north-west

Overland fagusBushwalker Zane

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April 2017


Framed by FagusGeevesy

Evening over the Du Cane RangePeter Grant

Part of my extended Tarkine in Motion trip this year was a traverse of most of the northern Norfolk Range. A real test with a mix of delightfully easy, open walking, beautiful forests and sheer hell (aka over-the-head scrub).

The second last night I was camped on a knoll below Mabel, looking back at the ground I'd already covered and wondering where the next water would be. But when you wake up to something like this, things like that just don't matter.

The clouds partCameron Semple

Morning light, Norfolk RangeNorth-north-west

Improving lightGayet

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Other States

April 2017

Sunrise at Splendour Rock, Anzac DayTom Brennan


Suspended treeBrian Eglinton

It's always a moving Dawn Service at Splendour Rock on Anzac Day. We had walked in there, starting at 1am and arriving at 5am, just as the crowd started to assemble. At the conclusion of the service, we were greeted by a spectacular sunrise. An appropriate commemoration.

The weather turnsJohn Walker

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May 2017

Like glassGeevesy


Autumn colour in the TyndallsNorth-north-west

PrecariousTom Brennan

Solitary sunsetJohn Walker


This image was taken on a short trip to Mt Olympus to see the fagus this year.

The (lake) seal of approvalPeter Grant

Autumn slushCameron Semple

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May 2017

Frosty fagusCameron Semple


Possum play in autumnSnowzone

Oh how the mighty have fallen!Peter Grant

Fagus highlightsNorth-north-west

Red wattle birdBrian Eglinton

SuspendedBronwyn Hall

Oh wellJohn Walker

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May 2017


Dawn at OenoneGeevesy

Late afternoon slabsCameron Semple

One more ticked off the "peaks to be revisited to see what the view is like" list, with a loop past Lake Tyndall and out to Sedgwick returning via Lake Margaret. Sleet caught up with me between Sedgwick and Adam, so an unplanned camp had me doing the traverse across to Sedgwick Bluff the next morning when the weather decided to be co-operative for once.

The other side of Lyell North-north-west

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Other States

May 2017

Above the fallsJohn Walker


Autumn in the forestBrian Eglinton

Worth a lookSnowzone

It was very late afternoon approaching winter and I was returning from a day of volunteer field work in the bush in the upper Blue Mountains. It was just early enough to fit in a short walk around dusk on the way home. Valley of the Waters is a favourite location and I decided to quickly drop down one of the shorter tracks to an overlook of the always impressive amphitheatre of Wentworth Falls. It was freezing as the sun dropped over the horizon, but I stayed long enough to capture this view over the massive sandstone walls before losing all useful light.

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