Feral horses In BWA June 2018 there was an article about feral horses in Kosciuszko National Park. Since then there's been a few news items.
On 2 June the Brisbane Times ran an article on Victoria's plan to control feral horses which puts it at odds with New South Wales.
This article started: "Victoria has challenged NSW over its plan to extend protection to wild horses in the Kosciuszko National Park, introducing a rival strategy to control animals it says are 'causing significant damage to threatened plants and other wildlife'".
Stephen Lake comments: In effect the NSW government is saying that horses are not a problem and the Victorian government is saying that they are a problem. It's interesting that the Brisbane ran this article.
The ABC's 7.30 program had a good report on 4 July, saying:"Wild horses at the centre of a controversial new law."
Stephen Lake comments: This is more or less the same as other media, but with more graphic images and interviews. There's also a number of comments.
On 5 July the Sydney Morning Herald had a further article:"About 200 national park sites damaged by the original Snowy Hydro scheme are yet to be repaired and feral horses trampling through the Australian Alps are limiting water available for hydro power as the federal government plans a massive expansion of the project", scientists and academics say.
Stephen Lake comments: The adverse implications for the proposed Snowy 2.0 scheme need to be addressed. Will the Liberal federal government take action making Snowy 2.0 viable thwart the Liberal New South Wales state government's pro-feral horse policy?
There's also been a request for access to submissions. One person who made a submission has received an email:"The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee has received an access application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 seeking access to submissions received relating to the Preliminary determination for Habitat degradation and loss by Feral Horses."