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Competition: Landscape June 2013

Winter late afternoon over NarrowneckJohn Walker

Photo Gallery

32 | BWA August 2019

BWA Photo Competition

BWA August 2019 | 33


August 2018


Sunrise from the ABC RangeBrian Eglinton

The big dryJohn Walker

BroodingTom Brennan

As a photographer, the best light of the day is around sunrise and sunset.

But sometimes it comes with a price. In this case, an early rise to push up a very steep slope to one of the serrated peaks of the ABC Range in the Flinders Ranges.

The reward? A grandstand view of the sweep of the adjacent Heysen Range as it runs south and south-east to form the high walls of Wilpena Pound.

Along this rock wall is the Sawtooth and Saint Marys Peak, the highest in the Flinders.

Wine for breakfast?Bogholesbuckethats



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BWA August 2019 | 35


August 2018


Do you have a point?Brian Eglinton

Just lookingNorth-north-west

Struck goldBogholesbuckethats

A fallen giantJohn Walker

The hungry wombatILUVSWTAS

I love echidnas, but getting a good photo takes a bit of patience.

Alert to the slightest noise or vibration, they normally dig in, projecting nothing but a pin cushion to the observer.

But with poor eyesight - they will eventually emerge and carry on till the noise of the camera shutter has them balling up again.

This fellow was wandering in Bunyeroo Gorge in the Flinders Ranges.

Ice bushTom Brennan

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August 2018


Winter can be alrightILUVSWTAS

There's always less snow on the other side of the lakeNorth-north-west

A frozen backboneBogholesbuckethats

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BWA August 2019 | 39

Other States

August 2018


Moonrise at the RockTom Brennan

The BunkersBrian Eglinton

In lean timesJohn Walker

The moon is just rising in the early evening behind Pulpit Rock in the Blue Mountains.

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BWA August 2019 | 41


September 2018

Going, going ...Tom Brennan


The sun just squeezes out a few rays between low cloud lighting up the cliffs of the Grose Valley.

Colourful coast Bogholesbuckethats

Fading embers of the dayJohn Walker

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September 2018

The octopusTom Brennan


Damsel, not in distressIandsmith

Window into the pastBogholesbuckethats

It's getting really lowJohn Walker

This creature lurks on the Amphitheatre Track near Leura, ready to trap unwary photographers.

44 | BWA August 2019

BWA August 2019 | 45


September 2018


Maria Island sunriseILUVSWTAS

A mossy surprise on the Tasman Peninsula.

Tangled messBogholesbuckethats

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BWA August 2019 | 47

Other States

September 2018

Clouds over CloudmakerTom Brennan


Standing guardJohn Walker


Sunrise on a spring morning from the lookout at Kanangra Walls.

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BWA August 2019 | 49