Secretly changed the management plan to allow helicopter access. Signed a lease giving "exclusive possession" of an entire island for slightly more than the lease cost of a rubbish tip. Ignored their own advisory Council (the National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council), Aboriginal Heritage Council and Central Highlands Council. Ignored 98% of public submissions, fishers, bushwalkers, everyone who has put pen to paper, made phone calls, protested in the rain, walked in and reclaimed Malbena, signed a petition, lobbied Tasmanian Labor, lobbied the Tasmanian Liberals and written to Jason Jacobi and Tim Baker as heads of Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service.
The Tourism Industry Council Tasmania has called the campaign "hysterical" and labelled the Lake Malbena disaster as "on brand".
It's a disgrace. If the head of Parks signs this off it will be their legacy to have ignored all of these groups and individuals, made every national park, every peaceful lake, every favourite fishing ground and every protected area up for grabs. What a shameful legacy that would be. Malbena matters! You can donate directly to the ongoing legal battle here.
Thank you.
The Milky Way over MalbenaDan Broun