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Competition: Landscape October 2014

Spring day oasis John Walker

Photo Gallery

32 | BWA October 2021

BWA Photo Competition

BWA October 2021 | 33


October 2020


Diamond FallsIandsmith

ResilienceJohn Walker

On the RimBrian Eglinton

The Gardens of Stone after the infernoOsik

Ghosties CaveLorraine

At the edge of the worldNorth-north-west

Lions DenDoogs

34 | BWA October 2021

BWA October 2021 | 35


October 2020


Spring growth North-north-west

Everyone wants to see fagus "turning". Yeah, it's great ... but the first flush of green on the bare stems means spring is really here and in some ways that's even better.

Snake in the grassJohn Walker


The rebirthIandsmith

Here be dragonsOsik

SpookedBrian Eglinton

36 | BWA October 2021

BWA October 2021 | 37

Other States

October 2020


Last light on Pantoneys CrownOsik

After the first day of walking through the devastation of the landscape post-bushfires, we found our way to a cliff top campsite and were treated to a brilliant sunset and the space to take in a turned world.

At the CapeBrian Eglinton

Beyond Witches LeapIandsmith

Man vs natureJohn Walker

38 | BWA October 2021

BWA October 2021 | 39


October 2020


Mount Field of dreamsDoogs

Sometimes conditions are just right for capturing the imageGerryDuke

The Mount Field National Park is a special place for many Tasmanians and a visit there is always memorable. On the day that I took this photograph I had set out early to walk up Naturalist Peak. There was a good dusting of snow and hardly a breath of wind, perfect weather for taking in the splendour of the area. On the final ascent of the mountain, I paused, took a quick snap, and went on my way. It was only on returning home that I realised that my pic was a good one!

Nelson Bay RiverNorth-north-west

40 | BWA October 2021

BWA October 2021 | 41


November 2020



Bald Rock reserveIandsmith

For years, Tyndall was one of those peaks - regardless of the forecast, whenever I went up it was invariably socked in by the time the summit was reached. But then, finally, it all worked out.

Classic OberonTom Brennan

A cool gemJohn Walker

PondBrian Eglinton

42 | BWA October 2021

BWA October 2021 | 43


November 2020


Pterostylus plumosaNorth-north-west

The inside storyIandsmith

Summer snowJohn Walker

Nothing like seeing a plant species in real life for the first time, and this was one I'd lusted after for some time. There were two others and a rare variant of a third, but this was the really special one.

Dune plantsBrian Eglinton

44 | BWA October 2021

BWA October 2021 | 45

Other States

November 2020


The storm approachesJohn Walker

River mouthBrian Eglinton

I was staying at a friends semi-rural property north of Lithgow for an (old) boys long weekend get together. No bushwalking but plenty of merriment. A highlight was being hit by this massive storm front late one afternoon.

These dramatic cloud formations arrived very quickly over the Great Dividing Range from the direction of nearby Ben Bullen State Forest. A torrential downpour followed for many hours, leaving us to drown our sorrows.

Crayfish Pool and Grey Hat FallsTom Brennan

46 | BWA October 2021

BWA October 2021 | 47


November 2020


Full moon morningNorth-north-west

Pegasus reflectionsTom Brennan

Early morning. Full moon. High camp. Clear skies. Low misty cloud slowly creeping over the range. Does it get any better than this?

48 | BWA October 2021

BWA October 2021 | 49