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Competition: Landscape February 2015

River of cloud Tom Brennan

Photo Gallery

22 | BWA February 2022 Photo Competition

BWA February 2022 | 23


February 2021


Bungle Bungles in the wet sunriseDave Edwards

We were initially hesitant about a northern Australia walking trip in the wet season, but it was fantastic. Having seen the creek flowing and waterfalls with water in, I can't help but think the dry season in the Bungle Bungles would be disappointing now. Although there is the risk of untimely rain restricting the exploring of side gorges, seeing the water flowing was glorious. Apart from when the water was flowing dangerously fast, there was always somewhere for a swim multiple times a day and once up in the gorge, there was always some shade to be had.

Morialta Brian Eglinton

Lane Cove National Park Iandsmith

Daisies and sandstoneRob Croll

A heath-en outlook John Walker

Primeval beauty Tom Brennan

24 | BWA February 2022

BWA February 2022 | 25


February 2021


Watching me watching youTom Brennan

Mountain Devil John Walker

Rosellas Brian Eglinton

Eastern water dragonIandsmith

Out of its night time element, a Tawny Frogmouth watches cautiously from its urban bushland perch.

26 | BWA February 2022

BWA February 2022 | 27

Other States

February 2021


Lovely end to a wet day Rob Croll

A study in sandstoneJohn Walker

It was wet and cold for a summer's day, but not too bad for walking. Then the weather lifted and this unexpected sunset, overlooking Narrow Neck Plateau came into view.

Over the edgeBrian Eglinton

Step Trail - Lane Cove National ParkIandsmith

Boolijah FallsTom Brennan

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BWA February 2022 | 29


March 2021


Horseshoe Falls Iandsmith

Horseshoe Falls with lots of tree debris at the base and a surprisingly dry cave. You had to trample over tree roots to get down there but it was all a bit special having it to yourself. I loved the massive wavy patterned rock just a fraction downstream, it balanced the shot perfectly.

Sunbeams and water drops Tom Brennan

Mount William - Brian Eglinton

Toolooma dreaming John Walker

Mimosa rocksRob Croll

Almost caught out Osik

Home sweet homeNorth-north-west

30 | BWA February 2022

BWA February 2022 | 31


March 2021


Damsel fly Brian Eglinton

Walking in Tropical North Queensland is typically immersed in rainforest with limited views.

The wonderful cool streams cascading over granite blocks offer some good photo opportunities.

This colourful Damsel Fly was on Stoney Creek near Cairns.

Pink bellsOsik

It must be autumn Iandsmith

I'd better look at that roofing before the next stormJohn Walker

Who you callin' a 'coot? Tom Brennan

Campfire under the stars Rob Croll

Detail, Douglas Creek North-north-west

32 | BWA February 2022

BWA February 2022 | 33

Other States

March 2021


Cathedral Tom Brennan

Grose Valley Iandsmith

In the depths of Claustral Canyon, the roof of this chamber ripples with the reflections of the handful of sunbeams that reach the canyon floor.

Stony Creek Brian Eglinton

When flood meets ocean John Walker

Heath was here 2020 Rob Croll

34 | BWA February 2022

BWA February 2022 | 35


March 2021


Evening light on Oakleigh North-north-west

A classic view from a classic campsite: the saddle below Paddys Nut has welcomed so many walkers, and always provides a visual treat of some sort.

Dawn from Nevada Osik

36 | BWA February 2022

BWA February 2022 | 37