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34 | Bushwalk April 2023

Artillery view Brian Eglinton


TyennaBrian Eglinton

A Cleft in the Pilot GregR

Little Horn and Weindorfers Tower from Hansons PeakRorywalks


April 2022

WinnerSunrise cloud riverTom Brennan

A delightful sunrise from an Easter high camp on the East Nattai Walls overlooking Martins Creek and the Nattai Valley, in Nattai National Park.

36 | Bushwalk April 2023


April 2022

WinnerNature's ArtistryJohn Walker

I've spent many months of 2022 quasi-sidelined by the after effects of major surgery. I was just starting to tentatively get around again when I took this shot on a local bush stroll. I always look for unusual things in the landscape and couldn't pass this one up. The lighting conditions were just right and pure luck on my part. I really like the way the light enhances the interesting features of the sculpted rock face a few metres above me. The bonus was that the contrasting background and foreground are in sync, very rare for me.

Autumn colour is more than fagus North-north-west

Amanita MuscariaIandsmith

An individualTortoise



April 2022

WinnerSunrise at Shelf Camp on a perfect morningRob Grantner

We all woke at first light and checked the vital signs: no wind, no clouds above and a strong cloud inversion below. We knew this was going to be one of "those" special moments that we always hope for but rarely get. As the sun slowly rose the glorious wonder of a perfect morning at Shelf Camp unfolded.

Kitchen HutRory Buck

Gnarled Brian Eglinton

Fisher RiverNorth-north-west

38 | Bushwalk April 2023

MacKenzie FallsBrian Eglinton

The Old CrossingJohn Walker

Square Rock lookoutIandsmith

Other States

April 2022

WinnerNingadhun sunriseTom Brennan

Camped on the Mount Yulludunida plateau in Mount Kaputar National Park, we had the worst night's sleep as the wind flattened the tent on top of us all night. The wind died off just before dawn, and I was treated to a moody sunrise.



May 2022

WinnerGetting a Little HornyNorth-north-west

If you want stunning views from a daywalk at Cradle, you can't do better than climbing Little Horn. It's magnificent whichever way you turn, but this particular angle is my favourite.

Solar band over The BasinJohn Walker

Black HillBrian Eglinton

40 | Bushwalk April 2023


May 2022

WinnerA curious groupRobl

Richea pandanifolia. "A curious group" was taken from a boardwalk in central Tasmania.

Paved with goldNorth-north-west

Gorilla RockJohn Walker

JoeyBrian Eglinton


Mount GeryonRobl


May 2022

WinnerMy secret gardenNorth-north-west

It's a secret so, as they say, I could tell you but I'd have to kill you. I've visited this place at every season and it's always stunningly beautiful with no-one else around. Perfect, in other words.

42 | Bushwalk April 2023

Other States

May 2022

WinnerBasin FallsJohn Walker

The Basin, aka Bushwalkers Basin, and its falls are a feature of my local area and are often photographed. It's a short bushwalk to get there and a popular spot for swimming, with other walks nearby. Fortunately I arrived late in the day after the crowds and had plenty of time to set up the shot. The rain in the preceding weeks meant that the falls were running really well.

Heysen in the HillsBrian Eglinton