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Welcome to The Overland Track

Let's prepare to have fun and thrive on track

Yes, the rumours are true, it can and often does snow in summer. People have died from hypothermia (being too cold) on this track, even during summer. These articles will help you pack well, understand the conditions, set helpful expectations, eat well and enjoy walking even in wet and cold weather.

Walking the Overland Track is not rocket science, but you will need to be well prepared and have the right gear. You will also have more fun if you eat well and are fit enough. The more prepared you are the more you will be able to relax and enjoy your time on the track.

Chances are you will also see some gorgeous sunny days, meet amazing people and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Happy walking

This land is not just about spectacular views but is shaped by a complex history
Track Overview
An overview of each section of the Overland Track.
Planning and Preparation
Planning for your trip can be a lot of fun. Don't just hit the track and hope for the best.
Developing a range of bushwalking skills will make your time on track safer and much more enjoyable.
todo The original Waterfall Valley hut and Barn Bluff