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Foot pain

Foot pain is usually caused by injury, disease, trauma, some biomechanical misalignment or a poor choice of footwear. Walking and weight bearing for extended periods in poorly fitting footwear or on an injured/inflamed foot leads to pain and tenderness, with the potential for long-term problems.

Below are some common foot complaints with short- and long-term treatments in the bush and at home, and prevention methods. Please be careful: if foot pain persists, seek medical attention as some of these conditions must be treated effectively early on to prevent long-term problems.

  • Heel pain refers to extreme discomfort felt through any part of the heel. It may be caused by:

    1. Overuse, repeated impact on particular regions of the foot; and
    2. Inflammation of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot connecting the heel with the toes orĀ Plantar fasciitis. It is often a result of a biomechanical problem such as flat feet.

    The main way to prevent heel pain is to select footwear that has good arch support and heel height. Some people find a heel cup or orthotic helpful for absorbing shock and relieving some of the pain.
    If heel pain occurs on a bushwalk, take frequent rests and consider shortening the trip. Back home, rest and recover until the pain subsides. Seek medical attention if the pain gets worse.

  • The Achilles tendon inserts into the heel from the back of the leg and controls flexing movements of the foot. Achilles tendonitis is the inflammation of the Achilles tendon, resulting in a sharp shooting burning pain. It should be treated early to prevent complications.
    Achilles tendonitis may be caused by poor-fitting footwear, a short Achilles tendon, trauma to the Achilles tendon, inadequate stretching and strengthening before activity, or over-pronation.
    Stretching before a walk to warm up the muscles is a great way of preventing Achilles tendonitis. Some people also find that a heel cup helps. Alternatively, an orthotic to control over-pronation and support the longitudinal arch may assist.
    Manage Achilles tendonitis as you would heel pain, and reduce physical activity, apply ice and avoid walks with steep uphill climbs.

  • Arch pain can be the result of inflammation or burning of muscles associated with the arch of the foot. Arch pain/strain may be caused by foot injury or structural imbalance or Plantar fasciitis, inflammation of the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot connecting heel with the toes. Arch pain is often the result of a biomechanical problem such as flat feet.
    Well-fitting footwear with good shock-absorbing soles is the best way to prevent arch pain and strain. Consider an orthotic to give good arch support and prevent over-pronation.
    Make sure you treat arch pain before it gets any worse. Manage arch pain as you would for Achilles tendonitis and avoid shoes with heels.