Platypus and Rock Pool Circuit
Bidjara & Karingbal Country

1 h to 1 h 45 min

4.1 km

↑ 76 m
↓ -76 m

Easy track
Starting from the Carnarvon Gorge Visitor Centre, Carnarvon Park, this circuit walk takes you to a scenic rock pool along Carnarvon Creek, visiting a Platypus viewpoint along the way. Best viewed after sunrise or before sundown, the platypuses of Carnarvon are waiting for you to capture good photos of them. You’ll get lovely views of the gorge as you make your way to the rock pool, so remember to lift your head up every once in a while. The said rock pool has a surprisingly wide and sandy foreshore, where you can sunbathe and have a relaxing picnic after a good swim. Remember to bring some insect repellent to protect yourself from the mozzies(Australian slang for mosquitoes). Expect to get wet feet in the creek crossings, and try to avoid midday hikes under the blistering sun. Let us begin by acknowledging the Bidjara & Karingbal people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. 
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