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Articles by Damian McDermott

Mountain Musings
February 2023

p.4 Bushwalk Magazine

p.6 The Thorsborne Trail

p.17 In the News

p.18 A Peek at Lendenfeld

p.25 Videos

p.26 High Times in the High Country

p.36 The Other Side of Halls Creek

p.41 2023 Calendar

p.42 Photo Gallery

p.52 How far is it?

p.62 Meet the Eastern Bristlebird

High Times in the High Country
A hut adventure with kids in the Brindabella
Damian McDermott Bushwalk Australia Australian Capital Territory Brindabella NP Namadgi NP
High Times in the High Country February 2023
A hut adventure with kids in the Brindabella
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Damian McDermott
Australia Australian Capital Territory Brindabella NP Namadgi NP
Trail Treats
December 2022

p.4 Mount Anne Circuit - lucky

p.16 Canyon Calamity

p.24 High Cliff

p.27 2023 Calendar

p.28 Photo gallery

p.38 The Adventures of Xing

p.42 Videos

p.43 Just Published

p.44 Southern conifers

p.48 Cookie day

p.51 In the News

Canyon Calamity December 2022
Wayfinding in Wollemi National Park
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Damian McDermott
Australia New South Wales Wollemi NP