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Large light and power source - BioLite BaseLanternBaseLantern is a large light and power source for those lazy walks where you plan long evenings at a base camp or time in huts. Great to see people thinking more about mood or space lighting.

Hiking trailer - Monowalker FatmatCars and bicycles have trailers, so why not bushwalkers? Bushwalking trailers are not a new idea, the concept has been around for a while, but this more interesting. In some situations where this makes a lot of sense. A FatMate is suitable only on smooth tracks. The disk brake would be very handy on steeper downhill tracks. The trailer weighs 9 kilograms and costs about $A1100 plus delivery.

Flying TentThis is a bivy, hammock and poncho in a 1.2 kilogram package. A single person tent that can be set up as a bivy or slung as a hammock with fly netting, and rainproof covers. The makers claim it can be set up in seven seconds. The tent and fly screen can be removed for lazing in the hammock during the day, and the base turns into a poncho.

Mobile phone and tablet macro and micro lens - BlipsBlips is a tiny lens that sticks to your phone or tablet, turning it into a microscope. See the world closer up. Want to get those macro shots but don't want to carry a full SLR? Obviously more expensive gear and better lighting will get you clearer images, but you should be able to get great images for a lower price and weight.

New on Kickstarter

Matt McClelland

BWA June 2016 | 51