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Bushwalking and Conservation

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookEsther Gallant Bushwalk Inspiration Australia Australian Capital Territory Namadgi NP

Day walk to Watsons Crags in Kosciuszko National Park Esther Gallant

The National Parks Association of the Australian Capital Territory (NPA-ACT) is a conservation organisation based in Canberra. The aims are conservation of natural areas of the ACT and surrounds, especially Namadgi National Park (NNP). In addition to bushwalking, and conservation, our programs include environmental education and political lobbying on environmental issues.

Bushwalking and Conservation

Esther Gallant, NPA-ACT

26 | BWA August 2016

NPA-ACT was founded in 1960 to advocate for a national park in the national capital. Accomplishing this objective required 24 years of energetic exploration and persistent lobbying. Namadgi National Park was established in the southern part of the ACT in 1984 and subsequently expanded to include nearly half of the ACT. Hence, the NPA-ACT has a strong interest in protecting the NNP from degradation and exploitation. We are particularly concerned with preventing the invasion by weed and feral species and with a continuing high standard in management practices.

Our conservation program includes a large number of work parties assisting Park Rangers with weed removal and replanting of native species. There are also work parties to stabilise and/or refurbish historic structures and occasionally to remove unnecessary fencing. Non-members may join these work parties by contacting the leader listed in the program.

BushwalkingThe NPA-ACT has a rolling three-monthly program of day and multi-day bushwalks in the ACT and surrounding areas of NSW, especially Kosciuszko National Park (KNP) and other areas further afield. Non-members may join bushwalks and information on the program can be found at Many of our walks explore the wilds/wilderness of NNP and the adjacent KNP. During the shorter days of winter there are walks exploring the numerous ACT Nature Parks and Reserves as well as snowshoe or cross country ski trips to KNP. Canoe and kayak trips are occasionally on the program. Walks vary in difficulty from gentle explorations of urban fringe parks to multi-day walks in NNP, KNP and elsewhere. Walks are graded, and more details can be obtained from the leader.

Weeding around endangered Swainsona plants along an unused railroad Martin Chalk

Removing unneeded fencing in NNP Sabine Friedrich

Rendezvous Creek in Namadgi NP Esther Gallant

... NPA-ACT has a strong interest in protecting NNP from degradation and unsuitable exploitation.

BWA August 2016 | 27