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These Are a Few of my Favourite Things

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookSonya Muhlsimmer Bushcraft Australia

These Are a Few of my Favourite Things

Sonya Muhlsimmer

So, here we are still in isolation with all those amazing canyons and bushwalks beckoning me to come. Alas, I cannot. But soon, sometime soon, I will return to the bush proper. Who knows what another week, or month will bring? I had planned to complete the Great North Walk from Somersby to Newcastle over Easter. The last two years my friend and I have completed the first half. The first year we walked from his front door in Hunters Hill to Cowan. Last year we walked from Cowan to Somersby. This year we were intending to push through and do the last leg in one go, over nine days. I may have missed out on completing the GNW, but luckily I live in the Blue Mountains, right near the Grose Valley. At the end of my street there are fire trails and footpads that can take me to some beautiful waterfalls galore, spectacular bush and historical dams. Just across the highway and within walking distance I can visit historical public baths, more waterfalls and lots and lots of bush. Now, bushwalking is my absolute favourite activity, but there are other things. Chocolate Anzac slice and cinnamon spiced biscuits are two more of my favourite things.

Faulconbridge Point lookout, Blue Mountains, New South WalesAll pictures by Sonya Muhlsimmer

50 | BWA June 2020

Chocolate Anzac Slice

In light of Anzac Day just gone with a difference, being in a pandemic and standing in the driveway, listening to neighbours play their tribute to the fallen ones, here is a favourite recipe of mine, with a difference. The recipe is the same as it would be for Anzac biscuits, it just has chocolate pieces added and compacted into a slice. Nothing hard about this recipe, but oh they are so delicious. If you let them cool down just enough from taking them out of the oven, the slice will still be warm, and the chocolate will be gooey, oh yum. It really doesn’t need to be Anzac Day to enjoy these biscuits. This one is for you Pop.

Plain flour

½ cup

80 grams

Brown sugar

½ cup

90 grams

Rolled oats

½ cup

45 grams

Shredded coconut

½ cup

44 grams

Cooking chocolate bits

3 Tbsp

50 grams


¼ block

62 grams

Golden syrup

1 Tbsp

32 grams

Bicarb soda

½ tsp

3 grams


1 Tbsp

Preheat a fan forced oven to 160 °C. Grease or place a piece of baking paper in an 18 cm x 28 cm baking tray. Combine flour, sugar, oats, coconut and chocolate bits in a large bowl. Combine butter, golden syrup and

water in small saucepan, stirring constantly over medium heat until butter is melted, stir in bicarb soda. Stir mixture into dry ingredients. Place the mix in a baking tray, flatten down with a spoon or your hand then bake for 15 mins. Let cool on the tray for about 5 mins before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Cut into slices and enjoy.

BWA June 2020 | 51

Cinnamon Spiced Biscuits

What else is there to do when stuck at home in isolation but to sort through your old recipe books?I have found an old favourite recipe book and have had it for many years. When I was cheffing this was my go-to book for information and inspiration, and it has one of my favourite recipes in it. This recipe always pleases the hardest crowd or critic. It has been so long since I have made these biscuits, I can’t remember when I made them last. I do remember one time I made them, it was after I left cheffing and was working in an office. I took them into work and shared them around. My boss came up to me and said I am not allowed to bring them in anymore. The way he said it I thought he was serious. His family was a big foodie family so I thought I had offended him. I quietly asked why, and he said they are too good and he nearly ate all of them. Well, at least I was not in trouble. I do wish I could say this recipe is mine but I can’t. These biscuits are so good, I don’t want to share them around. Oh look at that, I can’t share due to social distancing laws, shame about that ... I will have to enjoy them all to myself. They are easy to make, go on you won’t regret it.


1 cup

225 grams

Caster sugar

¼ cup

50 grams

Plain flour

2 cups

225 grams


1 cup

115 grams

Vanilla essence

1 tsp

Icing sugar

½ cup

50 grams

Ground cinnamon

1 tsp

Preheat a fan forced oven to 160 °C. Grease or line an oven tray with baking paper. In a bowl cream the butter and caster sugar for about 2 to 3 mins until light and fluffy. Stir in the sifted flour, corn flour and vanilla essence and mix together. Roll heaped teaspoon sized mix into a ball and place on the oven tray. With a fork, lightly press down on the top of the ball to leave an imprint and to flatten them slightly. Bake for 30 mins or until pale golden in colour. While the biscuits are in the oven, sift the icing sugar and cinnamon together in a bowl. When the biscuits have cooled enough to handle, toss them in the icing sugar mixture. Let the biscuits cool down completely on a wire rack. Enjoy.

52 | BWA June 2020

Keep on lunchin' in the free worldILUVSWTAS

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