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Keep my bushwalk satisfied

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookStephen Lake Inspiration Australia

A song for when I escape lockdown.

The Water Run, Royal NPStephen Lake

Keep My Bushwalk Satisfied

Stephen Lake

56 | BWA December 2020

Eagle Rock, Royal NPStephen Lake

Tune: Keep the customer satisfied

Gee but it's great to be back home,Home is where I want to be.I've been on no walk so long my friend,And if you came alongI know you'd like to be with me,It's the same old story.Every hill I climb,I get breathless,Tired,I see things that makes my heart so fired.And I'm too far away from the next rest,Killing march flies they are pests.Just trying to keep my bushwalk satisfied,Satisfied.

A bushwalker that I once met,Said tell me where your going to, man,You better get your pack, it's wet.You're in thick scrub man,And you're heading into more.Just like every scrub-bash.All the scrub I go through,I get scratched bad, all cut,I really need a track and a nice big dry hut.And I'm one step nearer the campsite,Plenty of time, it's quite alright.Just trying to keep my bushwalk satisfied,Satisfied.

BWA December 2020 | 57