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Competition: Landscape April 2014

Moonee Beach SubmittedIandsmith

Photo Gallery

16 | BWA April 2021

BWA Photo Competition

BWA April 2021 | 17


April 2020


Marvel at MoonbiIandsmith

There I was just when the virus got serious. I stayed overnight at Moonbi and then, some locals befriended me and ended up taking me to a couple of places. I went back out on my own and was gobsmacked at just how many great granite formations there were in the area.

Morning mist in the valleyBrian Eglinton

A blessing from the floodsJohn Walker

18 | BWA April 2021

BWA April 2021 | 19


April 2020


Whose bath next?Iandsmith

Horrifying creature ... or native grass seed head!Tom Brennan

Leveraging the infrastructureJohn Walker

Blue tongueBrian Eglinton

In the middle of corona times I called in at a friend's place for a couple of days. Little did I know she had bower birds in the backyard, along with other species. So I would sit for an hour on the back porch happily shooting away and loving the bird life that called in, especially for a bath and food.

20 | BWA April 2021

BWA April 2021 | 21

Other States

April 2020


Tall and elegant John Walker

Gaol CreekIandsmith

During the the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown period in NSW, it was extremely difficult to find a bushwalk that was not closed and that appeared to comply with very ambiguous travel restrictions. I was only able to access a limited section of my nearest national park during this very dark period, and I know others across the country fared even worse. One inspiring ray of hope I found was this elegant, tall spotted gum. While not reaching the same height, it reminded me of the tall trees in Tasmania, at that time further away than ever before.

Torrens RiverBrian Eglinton

22 | BWA April 2021

BWA April 2021 | 23

Landscape, Non-landscape and Other

May 2020

The stormIandsmith


When east coast lows hit, there's always one thing you can rely on - there'll be photographers in and around Newcastle Beach! So I joined them just as the storm was waning and took this shot of waves washing over a beached log.

Return to a favourite spot John Walker

Lean on meJohn Walker


This photo was inspired by the BWA forum topic "An interesting look at trees". I had walked this track many times but not for the past 18 months. Since then changes had taken place, which meant that I now had to walk underneath the twisted trunk of this fascinating, contorted Angophora. I couldn't decide whether I needed to lean on it to help hold it up, or it needed to lean on me.

Pelicans by lightIandsmith

Up closeJohn Walker


This location is a long-standing favourite spot of mine. It is at a junction of tracks that make it easy to form a circuit, or contiguous trip that utilises the train network when I prefer not to drive. I always enjoy these pretty cascades which are above a main set of falls. This time I decided to scramble up the rocks for an "up close and personal" view of them. I find the natural tiered symmetry of the rock teamed with clear flowing water pleasing to the eye.




24 | BWA April 2021

BWA April 2021 | 25