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The Ballad Of Bumhole Bill

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookStephen Lake Inspiration Australia New South Wales Kosciuszko NP

‘Twas Bumhole Bill from Mitcham way that caught the skiing craze,He threw away the walking boots that served him many days.A pair of long and waxy skis were there to take their place:Karhu the brand, a mighty brand, the choice of many an ace.

Towards the highest mountains, our hero then did stride,To try these new inventions, to see how they should glide.Up from Bradneys Gap he climbed, in search of fields of snow,But when he reached Grey Mare Hut the wind began to blow.

To Strumbo Hill he battled on through hail and snow and sleet,It took him twenty minutes to dig out both his feet.But with his mighty planks, he sailed on through the breeze,A mournful scream was heard quite loud, he shot down through the trees.

Was followed by a rousing crunch, he scoured through the snow,Leaving two long buttock marks, yet onwards did he go.The snow did lodge around his chest and trickled to his waist,A consequence of his skill, skis expertly placed.

Our Bumhole with his chin so rough, he is a forceful man,Where other people quail and shake, our Bumhole always can.He’s not afraid of rock or snow, or perchance something worse,He survived the Arawata, and his brain still hurts.

Down the steepest slopes he flies, pure untainted style,Even when he leaves the ground, he laughs and sings and smiles.And yet, one day, on Kerries Ridge, he had an awful blow,The gremlins caught one shining ski, he crashed into the snow.

Never before had human eye seen our Bumhole crash;And worse to come, he stayed out flat, the right knee was a mash,And worse and worse, he loosed the skis, they skidded down the hill,Alone with stocks and twisted knee, the downfall of our Bill.

But Bill stood on his good left leg, "While there’s life there’s hope,Strap my skis on both my feet, point me down the slope."But as he spoke the pain grew strong, his face went white as ash,From excess beer, or excess sex, or even nappy rash.

Kerry cursed, "The stupid twit, he’s killed himself, the fool,And failed, it’s bad, for burying is simpler as a rule."Bob pulled out his first aid kit, a lonely soggy Aspro,He checked the map, and then he said, "Stephen, you must go."

"You must ski along the ridge to Guthega, for aid,With the powerful SMA, we have got it made.For they have flares and boats and planes and things to rescue people,And if he’s dead when they arrive, they’ll put him near a steeple."

THE BALLAD OF BUMHOLE BILLAn account of a winter rescue in Kosciuszko National ParkStephen Lake

60 | BWA August 2014

So Stephen skied on south alone, to save our William star,He wasn’t scared, he didn’t care, fifteen ks not far.In perfect wettened crud he skied, a brilliant sunny day.Along the route he knew so well, he couldn’t lose the way.

After three hours glorious ski, he arrived and found a phone.He lifted up the handset, "I wonder who’s at home?"He dialled the phone quite carefully - in emergency, 21,All this he did to save our Bill, had landed on his bum.

"My name is Stephen Lake, I’m at Guthega Power Station,I’ve an injured friend in the hills, a dicey situation.I need some help, can you help?" He paused for a reply:"Wait a moment, I’ll let you in, just you wait outside."

And so he found the SMA and New South Wales Police Force,Next day they all returned to Bill, in a bombardier, of course.With two large tracks and flip-top roof they trundled over rocks,And the copper sticking out the top, just like the Desert Fox.

At Mawsons Hut they found our Bill, none the worse for wear - But Kerry crouching round the stove had singed off all his hair!For they had no spare sleeping bag, clothing’s all they had,But Bill the bot had borrowed a bag, and he was warm and glad.

And what of Rob, the Aspro man, the Leader of this rout?He had skied to Grey Mare Hut to lead the others out.At night he skied with Baker’s four, arriving after dark,With skis that slipped on iron-hard snow, with skis that left no mark.

Bill now lives at Mitcham way, looking at his scars,He dreams of snow, he dreams of girls, he dreams of frothy bars.Alone he limps down memory lane, but he can travel far:Not on foot, not on ski - he has a motor car.

SMA stands for Snowy Mountains Authority.

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