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Someday, one day

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookStephen Lake Inspiration Australia

Kosciuszko National Park waterfallStephen Lake

I wrote this when confined to home due to the pandemic, unable to get out. Compared to some people I was much better off, but I still missed the bush.

Someday, One Day

Stephen Lake

60 | BWA February 2021

Tume: Someday one day by The Seekers

Someday, one day,Time's not so far away,We can share the walks we've had.Oh, someday, ooh-ooh-ooh!

Hey there, look in the mountains,Tell me, what do you see before you?I see somewhere to be walking.Happy people all a talking.

Someday, one day,Time's not so far away,We can walk the paths we want.Oh, someday, ooh-ooh-ooh!

They say you're a bushwalker,What do they know of where you're going?If you believe this track your taking,Then believe in what I say.

Someday, one day,Time's not so far away,We can walk the paths we want.Oh, someday, ooh-ooh-ooh!

I know your feeling tired,Sometimes walks move very slowly.And I know that you feel like quittin',Feel like leavin', feel like stoppin'.

Someday, one day,Time's not so far away,We can walk the paths we want.Oh, someday, ooh-ooh-ooh!

Grampians sunsetStephen Lake

BWA February 2021 | 61