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You Can’t Beet This ...

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookSonya Muhlsimmer Bushcraft

No that is not a typo you think you see, I am in fact referring to beetroot. This is not the typical food item you would think of for bushwalking, but if you can get your hands on some beetroot powder, you can make some amazing things. Last time I visited my dad in Taree, we went to this awesome little café for lunch in Wingham and they just happen to have a 150 gram jar of beetroot powder. I had to get it. I then looked online to see if I could get some more and the availability. Well, it seems it is readily available - just google beetroot powder and you will find a good selection. Inspired Ingredients and iHerb are pretty good suppliers, I often use them for other specialty items.

Beetroots are packed with antioxidants, folate, potassium, vitamins, manganese and fibre. They can help lower blood pressure, improve energy level, great for us hikers, and reduce the risk of heart disease. The antioxidant betalain, which is responsible for the colour is also known to help with inflammation. Take note, if you do eat a lot of beetroot your urine and stool can become discoloured. Also, they are high in oxalate, this is something to be wary of if you suffer from kidney stones. So I will stop beeting around the bush and get into some recipes now.

The exit track from Fortress Canyon. Looking over the Grose Valley, Blue Mountains, NSWAll pictures by Sonya Muhlsimmer

You Can’t Beet This

Sonya Muhlsimmer

62 | BWA April 2022

Dal is a staple dish in India and South Asia and the main ingredient is either lentils, peas and beans. The pulses are cooked into a thick stew like dish with endless variations of flavours. This variation is a pretty healthy and tasty dish, it is vegan, gluten free, dairy free and quick and easy to make. What more could you want? By the way, this dish may not look that great, but it is not about what the food looks like, it is how good it tastes, and how healthy it is for you too. Go on, try it, serve it up with some flat bread if you wish.

At home preparationLabel the bags then place all the ingredients in the allocated bag. Cut out method at camp and pack with the bags.

Method in campIn the bag the lentils are packed in, add 1 cup of water and soak for about 30 minutes. Drain and add one more cup of water, swirl around and drain. In a pot add all the ingredients, stir well and bring the pot to the boil. Once boiled bring the pot to a simmer and cook until most of the liquid has absorbed and it is at a stew like texture, about 8 minutes. Serve.

Bag 1 (lentils)

Red lentils

4 Tbsp

Bag 2 (dal mix)

Beetroot powder

2 Tbsp

Cumin powder

¼ tsp

Coriander powder

½ tsp


¼ tsp

Mustard seeds

¼ tsp


1/8 tsp


1/8 tsp


1/8 tsp





1 cup for cooking2 cups for soaking

Beetroot Dal (Dahl or Daal)

BWA April 2022 | 63

I often take some dehydrated hummus or eggplant dip on my hikes to share with friends. Dips are easy to prepare at camp and go a long way, especially after a hard day. Dips are versatile, you can use them for a spread on mountain bread or simply have some dip on a cracker, or even if you want to carry a carrot or two cut the carrot in fingers and dip it in the dip. There is something so satisfying making something so simple, yet so tasty and sharing with friends. Beetroot powder makes the preparation job at home even easier, saves hours of dehydrating.

At home preparationLabel the bag then place all the ingredients in the allocated bag and container. Cut out method at camp and pack with the bags.

Method in campIn a bowl add the dry ingredients, add the tahini and lemon juice and stir through. Slowly add the water stirring thoroughly. Enjoy.

Bag (beetroot dip )

Beetroot powder

2 Tbsp


½ tsp


½ tsp


½ tsp


1 tsp

Garlic powder

1/8 tsp




Hulled Tahini

2 Tbsp

Lemon juice

2 tsp



¼ cup

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Beetroot Dip

64 | BWA April 2022