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Mount Cobbler Circuit

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookJill Allen Bushwalk Australia Victoria Alpine NP

Mount Cobbler Circuit

Text and photosJill Allen

View from the summit

In February 2022, 12 hikers from the Melbourne Bushwalkers had a relaxed three day hike to Mount Cobbler and Lake Cobbler. Although the walk could easily be done in two days, taking three days allows more leisurely exploration of Mount Cobbler, the lake and the falls.


10 | Bushwalk June 2022

A steep descent from the ridge before climbing to the summit

Day 1: King River, Mount Cobbler, 10 kmOn Friday night we camped near King River Hut beside the King River. The next morning we left the cars on the Speculation Road. We climbed the quite steep but not overly difficult Muesli Spur to the plateau and re-joined the Spec Road for a short distance to the Lake Cobbler Track which we followed for a short distance before picking up an unmarked trail to the base of the summit, arriving early afternoon. After setting up our tents, we headed up to the summit of Cobbler, roughly 1.5 kilometres from our camp. Walking through the tree line and then out onto a rocky ridge, you think you are nearly there, only to find there is a very steep drop back down before climbing back up steeply to the final summit of this distinctive peak. The Mount Cobbler profile can be recognised from many parts of the Victorian Alps. Unsurprisingly, the view from Cobbler’s 1628 metre summit is terrific, particularly if you have a beautiful clear day as we did.

We took our time on the summit and enjoyed the 360 degree views, trying to identify the surrounding mountains. It was finally time to

head back to our camp, collecting water en route from the beginnings of the Rose River. This was a bit of bush bashing fun as we pushed through thick scrub to find a water source - a crystal clear pool of water, then a bush bash back to find the track again.

Day 2: Cobbler Camp, Lake Cobbler, Dandongadale Falls, 8 kmSunday morning had a chilled start at 9 am. We headed down the track to Lake Cobbler, crossing the Dandongadale River on the way. This small lake was created in the 1960s by damming a swamp in a tributary of the river. After passing the lake, the river then continues to plunge off the edge of the Cobbler Plateau, creating the Dandongadale Falls. These are Victoria’s highest waterfall with a 255 metre drop.

We set up camp on the shores of the lake, then headed off to see the falls. Again the track is not marked but can be easily found using a map or GPS. The only way to see the falls is to lie down on the cliff edge and look over the huge drop to see the falls plummeting down. Some of our group crossed the river and explored the high cliff above the falls. We then walked about 1.5 kilometres down

At the summit of Mount Cobbler

11 notes and maps on webpage, GPX and PDF

This map is © and is created using data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Mount Cobbler Circuit

Road, four-wheel drive track, walking track (treed)

Main track, side trip, alternate route

Cliff, major contour line, minor contour line (20 metre interval)

Lake, river, waterfall or creek

0 km 0.5 1 2 km

Start of the walk



Picnic shelter


12 | Bushwalk June 2022

the road on the opposite side of the valley, which gave us a view of the falls from a distance. Our final walk for the day was a circumnavigation of the lake. As it was a Sunday, the four-wheel drivers had all left for the day, and we had the lake to ourselves for the night. It was quite beautiful and peaceful.

Day 3: Lake Cobbler, King River, 13 kmThe following morning was superb, sun shining, blue sky and the lake was covered in morning mist.

After packing up our tents, we then headed across the country from the back of the lake to re-join Cobbler Lake Track and Speculation Road for the long trip back down to the cars. This completed the circuit. Although it was a long and boring road walk, it was still pleasant being mostly downhill with some good views of the surrounding peaks and valleys.

Looking at the falls from the top

On the high cliff above the falls

Stunning morning at Lake Cobbler