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40 | Bushwalk October 2022

Budawangs from the top of Pigeon House Mandy Creighton


On the IronboundsDoogs

View from Celtic Hill Bluewombat

Riparian mirror John Walker


October 2021

WinnerThe narrowsNorth-north-west

The Twelvetrees Range is a little unusual for SW Tassie - low, minimal scrub, easy to get to, easy off-track walking. At the northern end it drops almost sheer into one of my most favourite places: Twelvetrees Narrows. Paddling through here on a calm day is absolute magic, but seeing it from the top is not to be sneezed at either.

42 | Bushwalk October 2022


October 2021

WinnerTake OffBrian Eglinton

Alternating between landscape shots and bird shots is a bit of a challenge. It's off with one lens and on with the tele zoom, remember to adjust ISO way up and F stop wide open. Hopefully your subject is still hanging around. And if you get the speed fast enough, you can sometimes catch them in flight. This sulphur crested cockatoo was kind enough to wait for me to get set up before dropping off the yacka.

Bastion Cascades North-north-west

River historyJohn Walker



October 2021

WinnerHeading for Harper PointNorth-north-west

I'd paddled past Harper Point on the infamous Spires trip; previous walks on this little range had never quite reached the end. This time, a break in the usual foul spring weather meant an easy overnight ramble and finally getting right to the tip.

Southern rainforestDoogs

Frenchmans Cap Grunter

Mount Anne from the Druids Bluewombat

44 | Bushwalk October 2022

Exploratory John Walker

Other States

October 2021

WinnerIngalalla FallsBrian Eglinton

South of Adelaide the Adelaide Hills sweep down to the sea. This is where you can find the Ingallalla Falls, here seen after some good rain. It is a two drop fall and this is the lower half. We took the time to visit late afternoon after completing a section of the nearby Heysen Trail.



November 2021

WinnerBreaking up North-north-west

The summits had already been visited, but the connecting ridges cried out to be explored, so back I went, this time camping high and watching the weather changes. An hour later the skies were clear and I was somewhere out beyond.

Sunset HutCrollsurf

The cascadesJohn Walker

Living tapestryTortoise

46 | Bushwalk October 2022


November 2021

WinnerSouth Pacific Headland Reserve Flannel FlowersLorraine

Dracopyllum milliganiiNorth-north-west

The devil in the plant Iandsmith

Together we canTortoise


Sunset at the Picton River North-north-west


November 2021

WinnerVertical bushwalking Tortoise

48 | Bushwalk October 2022

Other States

November 2021

WinnerJagungal MorningCrollsurf

There were quite a few people at Derschkos Hut the previous evening, so I decided to camp up on the ridge, looking across to Jagungal. And this is what I woke up to in the morning.

The Bogey HoleIandsmith

Mount Chambers Brian Eglinton

Cloud in the valley John Walker