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Geoscience Australia

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookStephen Lake Bushcraft Australia

Geoscience Australia Printed Maps to Cease

Stephen Lake

With a number of name changes, Geoscience Australia (GA) has produced maps for over 100 years. There is a history of this online.

56 | BWA August 2019

As technology has become smaller, lighter, and more reliable for a decade or more, it has become increasingly possible to use GPSs, sat nav, mobile phones and the like for navigation. While these and other gadgets work very well, there are shortcomings. A paper map gives good perspective of surrounding places, does not need a battery or a satellite, and is fast to read.

Paper map sales have been dropping for a while, and it has become marginal to produce some maps. GA is no exception. With no significant updates made to the GA topographic maps for some time, GA recently completed a review of its map distribution services. Due to this review, GA will cease sales and distribution of hard copy map products on Friday 13 December 2019. The distribution of its existing map library will be online.

GA advises that they will make their “topographic and general reference maps available for free digital download, and we have recently made improvements to our website to make these digital maps easier to discover and more readily accessible.”

There is a new digital maps website Geoscience Australia Interactive Topographic Map Index with all maps now indexed in a single place for free download. Downloaded digital maps are suitable for printing at a number of places, notably Officeworks, and some will allow a choice of paper, including Tyvek. It is a change for bushwalkers but will potentially mean we always have access to the latest mapping data and that new technologies and products will develop over time.

Geoscience Australia Client Services can be contacted at or on 1800 800 173.

Portion of Colo 1:50,000 topographical map, Geoscience Australia

... GA will cease sales and distribution of hard copy map products on Friday 13 December 2019.

It is a change for bushwalkers but will potentially mean we always have access to the latest mapping data ...

BWA August 2019 | 57