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Competition: Landscape September 2014

Early sun hits FlorentineLouise Fairfax

Photo Gallery

24 | BWA October 2020

BWA Photo Competition

BWA October 2020 | 25


October 2019


Sunset through Admirals ArchBen Trainor

Aaron CreekBrian Eglinton

A clear February morning North-north-west

We were staying in one of the three old lighthouse keepers' cottages at Cape Du Couedic (Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo Island) and only minutes away from Admirals Arch. I sprinted down the boardwalk just in time to see this iconic view through the arch as the sun set.

Sharlands Peak looking southDoogs

Across the faceJohn Walker

The Tidbinbilla experienceIandsmith

Cheyne serenityGraham51

26 | BWA October 2020

BWA October 2020 | 27


October 2019


She’ll carry on through it all. She’s a waterfall.. Doogs

PigfaceBrian Eglinton

Grevillea oxyanthaOandsmith

The hat brothersJohn Walker

Going downNorth-north-west

This photo was taken on a trip to the Frenchmans Cap area. The day before was long so I decided that today would be easier, taking time to enjoy the scenery a little bit more. This was taken on the descent of Barron Pass. I often stop here to enjoy the picturesque little falls and it never fails to soothe the soul.

28 | BWA October 2020

BWA October 2020 | 29


October 2019



Arm River fallsNorth-north-west

Pure and wild. South Coast Tasmania. After a pre-dawn shuffle across New River Lagoon in the row boats I was greeted by beautiful morning light as I walked the length of Prion Beach towards the day's target, the Ironbound Range.

Mount GellGraham51

South Coast beach at dawn ILUVSWTAS

Out of season Grug FlowersSon of a Beach

30 | BWA October 2020

BWA October 2020 | 31

Other States

October 2019


Rocky River, Kangaroo Island Ben Trainor

Blowhole BeachBrian Eglinton

Gibraltar Peak trackIandsmith

October 2019 marked 100 years since parts of what is now Flinders Chase NP on Kangaroo Island were first protected as a flora and fauna reserve. This photo was taken on the Snake Lagoon Hike near the mouth of the Rocky River outlet looking out to the Southern Ocean. We had just passed an unexpected waterfall before we continued to a pristine sandy beach. A wonderful walk. Sadly, in December 2019 fires started, continuing into 2020 and burnt 96% of the park, and the adjacent Ravine Des Casoars Wilderness Protection Area. Hopefully, the flora and fauna of the park will rejuvenate and the wilderness will continue to be protected and flourish for centuries to come.

Over the valleyJohn Walker

32 | BWA October 2020

BWA October 2020 | 33


November 2019

A commanding positionJohn Walker



I was driving home from a volunteer bushcare trip late on a sunny afternoon. I'd already been out in the bush all day but still had some unspent energy and plenty of daylight, so I opted for a short walk in the Valley of The Waters. Dropping into the valley, about half way down to Empress Falls I stopped at Queen Victoria lookout, which has a magnificent view. I noticed this stunning mature grass tree (Xanthorrhoea), precariously perched in a commanding position on the cliff edge. The escarpment and Jamison Valley beyond framed it nicely and enabled an aesthetically pleasing depth of field.

Sunset over the walls from WallsTom Brennan

Miriuwung country, after the fire Osik

Cape York peaksBrian Eglinton

34 | BWA October 2020

BWA October 2020 | 35


November 2019

Yellow-bellied sunbird Brian Eglinton


The spectacle of the flannel flowersJohn Walker

Eye of the TigerTom Brennan

The Mount Whitfield Conservation Park in Cairns is a popular place for exercise, but also immerses a person in tropical forest. Getting photos of birds is always a tricky business, as they rarely hang around for long.

This very colourful bird was very kind to land close and not be spooked as I came in for a closer shot. It is quite a small bird, but wonderfully coloured and I was quite pleased to take its portrait.

36 | BWA October 2020

BWA October 2020 | 37


November 2019


The rustic sign on the Pelion Plains points the way to Mount Oakleigh. The sign stands in contrast to the modern New Pelion "Hut" and the welcome hardening and boarding of the track across the boggy plains.

The way to Mount Oakleigh Graham51

38 | BWA October 2020

BWA October 2020 | 39

Other States

November 2019


Straw deepJohn Walker

A very real Phantom Falls Tom Brennan

The coastal road north of Cairns hugs a thin line between sea and forested mountains. Most beaches are sandy, but I was aware of some very bouldery sections.

The light is lost quickly at sunset in the tropics, so I was delighted to be able to try out a one second time exposure on these pebbles in that very short time when the sky was glowing.

I could have done with a tripod, but balancing the camera on a bigger rock was the best I could do to get the misty effects.

An off-track run in the Kimberley.The morning is infiniteOsik

Pebbles Brian Eglinton

40 | BWA October 2020

BWA October 2020 | 41