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Competition: 2008 Why I Walk

Mount Ossa sunset from near Mount Cathedral Tasadam

Photo Gallery

24 | BWA April 2020

BWA Photo Competition

BWA April 2020 | 25


April 2019


FreycinetBrian Eglinton

After the fireAndrew Smyth

The waterholeJohn Walker

Visits to Freycinet have often been a drier and sunnier alternative when the west is in rain.

But our plan was to introduce some friends to the less populated parts of Freycinet by taking them on another three day circuit.

On another trip I had noticed a nice spot two-thirds up Mt Freycinet, so we pushed on up the steep climb and then settled in to watch the sun set over the isthmus from a great set of boulders.

Autumn up high Bogholesbuckethats

Mt Olympus SouthILUVSWTAS

One more high camp North-north-west

Pool of SiloamIandsmith

26 | BWA April 2020

BWA April 2020 | 27


April 2019


Little show-off!Andrew Smyth


Standing tallIaindtiler

New lifeIandsmith

Just hangin' aroundJohn Walker



Somewhere to rest your weary headPeter Grant

28 | BWA April 2020

BWA April 2020 | 29


April 2019


Autumn gloryBrian Eglinton

Gold on GoldBogholesbuckethats

The turning of the Fagus is an event that happens here in Tassie around Easter every year. Here the shore of Lake Oenone is lit up in beautiful yellows.


Nothofagus gunnii seasonILUVSWTAS

Solace on the Tyndall RangeLefroy

February Plains towards the Overland TrackPeter Grant

Calm reflectionsIaindtiler

30 | BWA April 2020

BWA April 2020 | 31

Other States

April 2019


Werribee GorgeBrian Eglinton

Above the creek junctionJohn Walker

Banksia, past its primeLorraine

When travelling long distances it is good to break the trip up with some short walks.

On this particular trip to Tasmania, we dropped in at Werribee Gorge.

It is just off the Western Freeway, but feels a world away from it all.

The track along the river is delightful and has a bit of adventure, at one point traversing a rock face with some cables to assist.

Cometh the autumnIandsmith

32 | BWA April 2020

BWA April 2020 | 33


May 2019

Of course the weather is like this every day ;)North-north-west


My personal rule for peak-bagging is that it doesn't really count if there aren't photos, so when the cloud moved in as I hit Ida's summit the first time, I knew I'd have to return. Second time it was by kayak to a peaceful lakeside camp and an easy climb up through open forest before tackling the rocks again. It was also very different conditions ...

Moody in the mountainsBrian Eglinton

Heading for the Winter TrackVagrom

Secret poolJohn Walker

34 | BWA April 2020

BWA April 2020 | 35


May 2019

It rained last night ...North-north-west


Fungi stackBrian Eglinton

How low can we goJohn Walker

On cloudy and dull days one's focus tends to change; it's more on the smaller and lower things than the grand landscapes. This water-hoarding leaf was waiting quietly on the track into Travellers Rest one such morning.

36 | BWA April 2020

BWA April 2020 | 37


May 2019


The St Clair Dam is a wonderful place to wander early in the morning or late in the day. The light, in particular, seems different there; softer and gentler than elsewhere on Leeawulena's shores.

Morning fog in the reserveNorth-north-west

38 | BWA April 2020

BWA April 2020 | 39

Other States

May 2019

RefractionBrian Eglinton


Temptation CreekJohn Walker

A favourite local walk in Adelaide is to Morialta Gorge.

It is a small taste of country similar to the Flinders Ranges but only a short distance from the centre of Adelaide.

It also has a bonus of a series of waterfalls as the creek descends out of the Adelaide Hills.

This shot was catching the sun's refracted beams at the base of the dramatic first falls.

40 | BWA April 2020

BWA April 2020 | 41