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You're in pain

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookStephen Lake Inspiration Australia

Tune: You're so vain

You walked high on the Main Range like you were on a short day trip.Your broad brim hat always keeping off hot sun,Your scruffy shirt has a rip.You had one eye on the weather as you found a place to kip.And everyone wanted your ultra-light pack,Your ultra-light pack, and ...

You're in pain, your blisters rubbing inside of both boots.You're in pain, I'll bet you would love some new boots.Don't you? Don't you?

Twynam and Watsons CragsStephen Lake

You're in Pain

Stephen Lake

60 | BWA April 2020

We came here several years ago pretty flowers bloomed on high.When you said that you knew a good sheltered spot,A place that was always dry.I did what I'd not done before, a pleasureful afternoon.I had sweet dreams, as we stayed in your small tent.Stayed in your small tent, and ...

You're in pain, your blisters rubbing inside of both boots.You're in pain, I'll bet you would love some new boots.Don't you? Don't you?

I had sweet dreams, as we stayed in your small tent.Stayed in your small tent, and ...

You're in pain, your blisters rubbing inside of both boots.You're in pain, I'll bet you would love some new boots.Don't you? Don't you?

Well I hear you went out to Dicky Cooper and said it was a lot of fun.Then you walked fast back to summit Twynam, To see the colourful setting sun. Well you're camping in all the wild spots, And when you're not you're in an old remote hut, Or back in the Eagles Nest, back in the Eagles Nest, and ...

You're in pain, your blisters rubbing inside of both boots.You're in pain, I'll bet you would love some new boots.Don't you? Don't you?

Main Range sunsetStephen Lake

BWA April 2020 | 61